Free Recipes: Karela Juice

Karela Juice Recipes

Intro to Karela Juice and disclaimer

There are lots of weight loss claims about karela juice. I will state again that no longer eat or drink anything for the sole purpose of its weight lose proponents as I am only concerned about being healthy. I also am not a nutrition or a dietician so I cannot substantiate an diet claims, but I will toss you some links so you can read up on this yourself and hand over this recipe.

Karela Juice 

This bitter gourd is said to be an incredibly powerful aid when it comes to fast weight loss due to its high level of dietary fiber. This fiber stimulates the liver so it can secrete bile acids which are required for metabolizing fat. 

It’s also very low in calories. In fact, a 100-gram serving of gourd contains just 17 calories! 


  • 2 gourd 1⁄2 lemon 1⁄2 apple 


Peel the gourds and scoop out the white flesh and seeds. Chop into smaller sections. Next, soak the pieces in cold water for 20 minutes. Then, chop the apple and lemon into bite-size pieces. 

Next, add the gourd, lemon, and apple to your blender. If you want to reduce the bitterness, you can add honey to the mix. 


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